Srinagar, India – In a historic moment for the region, international cricket is set to make a grand return to Kashmir after nearly 40 years. The picturesque valley, often dubbed “Paradise on Earth,” will witness its first major cricket event in decades as the final leg of the Legends League Cricket (LLC) is scheduled to take place this October at the iconic Bakshi Stadium in Srinagar.
This highly anticipated event marks a significant milestone for both the sport and the people of Kashmir. The LLC, which has rapidly gained popularity for its electrifying matches and star-studded lineup, will bring cricketing legends back to the valley, reigniting the region’s passion for the sport.
The latest season of the LLC is set to kick off on September 20 at Barkatullah Khan Stadium in Jodhpur, Rajasthan, before making its way to Srinagar. Raman Raheja, the Co-Founder of LLC, expressed his enthusiasm for this monumental occasion, noting that the return of cricket to Kashmir is more than just a sporting event—it’s a moment of cultural and social significance.
“We are thrilled to bring the Legends League Cricket to Kashmir this season,” Raheja stated in a recent press release. “The people of Kashmir have waited nearly four decades to see live cricket, and this event will not only fulfill their long-held desire but also allow the world to witness the unmatched beauty and hospitality of the valley.”
The return of international cricket to Kashmir comes at a time when the region is keen to showcase its peaceful and welcoming environment to the world. The LLC’s decision to hold matches in Srinagar is expected to draw significant attention, both domestically and internationally, as the stadium fills with enthusiastic fans eager to see their favorite cricketing legends in action.
The previous season of the LLC captivated an audience of over 180 million across India, with its 19 matches delivering nail-biting action and unforgettable moments. This season promises to be even bigger, with an expanded schedule and an impressive roster that includes recently retired Indian cricketer Shikhar Dhawan, among other global icons of the game.
As the cricketing world turns its gaze to Kashmir, the event is set to break previous viewership records, offering not just thrilling matches but also a glimpse into the vibrant culture and scenic landscapes of the valley. For Kashmir, the return of cricket symbolizes a new chapter, one where sports and culture unite to create lasting memories and a bright future for the region.