Srinagar, Jammu and Kashmir: The concluding ceremony of a cricket match in Ganderbal district, Jammu and Kashmir, took an unexpected turn as a heated exchange between District Development Council (DDC) member Mohamad Ashraf and AAP leader Jibran Dar escalated into a physical altercation, capturing the attention of onlookers and sparking demands for justice.
The incident, recorded on video and widely circulated on social media, depicted a verbal dispute transforming into a physical clash between Dar and Ashraf. Allegations surfaced that Dar was attempting to influence the youth to vote for the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP), leading to a confrontation at the cricket match’s concluding ceremony.
Jibran Dar defended his actions, asserting his right to engage with the public, given that they were eligible voters. However, Ashraf contended that political discussions should be kept separate from sporting events and accused Dar of exploiting a police-organized function for personal political gain. The tension escalated to the point where Ashraf, standing up from his seat, slapped Dar, labeling him a “nonsense man” incapable of proper communication.
In response, Dar promptly called for Ashraf’s arrest, citing the incident’s recording as evidence. The public reaction has been one of strong condemnation, criticizing the use of violence in settling political conflicts.
Meanwhile, the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) has distanced itself from the altercation, emphasizing that Jibran Dar’s presence at the event was a personal visit and not an official party engagement. The AAP’s Jammu and Kashmir office released a statement clarifying that the incident had no affiliation with the party since it was not part of any officially scheduled activities. They urged the media to refrain from associating the AAP’s name with the incident and conveyed the same request to the relevant police authorities. The incident has prompted discussions on the need for maintaining decorum and separating political discourse from public events.